Wellness in 2021
Wellness comes in many different forms. It can look like eating healthy, exercising, losing weight, meditating, taking time for yourself, or getting help for mental health issues. Whatever wellness means to you this year, I hope you will begin the journey to achieve it.
I also hope that in the process you will remain true to your authentic self. Being authentic means being true to ourselves and discovering what is at our essence. Authenticity is embodied by our thoughts and actions, and can lead to happy, fulfilling, content life.
It can be hard - it takes work, self reflection, and dedication to finding the truth within you. This year, take some time to dig deep and seek out what is at your core. If you are feeling drained, or low on energy, think about why. If you are unhappy, think about what is causing those feelings. Think about the things you have control over and can change. Then do it.
No doubt, the previous year was challenging, and even now, things seem unsettled. But sometimes it’s in these moments that we can get the best glimpse of true selves. This year, think about who you are, and what you stand for. What defines you? What you feel whole, content, fulfilled? Focus on THIS, and leave the rest behind.